Holistic Financial Planning

Holistic Financial Planning

Financial Planning is quite simply planning based on your own financial circumstances. Good financial planning moves you from where you are now to where you want to be. Our Personal Financial Planning division meets a wide range of needs from single transactions to full financial planning reviews. Each proposition is tailored to meet your individual needs and is flexible enough to allow for changing circumstances.

As life progresses, your financial planning needs change. Your entry level may be when you first set up home and need a mortgage, when you start work and need pension advice or when you start your own family and need advice for life assurance. At this stage, with perhaps other priorities, you may not feel the need for any further guidance.

However, as time moves on you might look towards funding school fees, private medical cover or long-term savings. Understanding your family`s vulnerability should you suffer long-term illness may prompt you to consider income protection and critical illness cover. As middle life approaches, retirement options and provision for long-term care may be areas you wish to investigate.

In many instances we advise not just one family member, but family members of different generations. We are trusted to give tried and tested advice in absolute confidence. Whatever your financial planning needs and however you want to deal with them, we will have a solution.