Forum Capital Consults LLC is a Financial Brokerage specializing in providing financial advice to a wide range of private clients and small and medium sized enterprises. The Company was established in 1990 and many of the clients who started their journey with the firm then are still clients today.

Forum Capital Consults focuses on creating and managing wealth strategies for its clients, including individuals, families, small business owners, business executives, and charities. Forum Capital Consults concentrates on wealth creation and preservation by providing personalized financial planning strategies for all situations. These tailored plans all reinforce our three key ideals:

  • Create long-term wealth
  • Protect yourself, your family and your investments
  • Position you to be able to enjoy your financial success

Holistic Financial Planning

Financial Planning is quite simply, planning based on your own financial circumstances. Good financial planning moves you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Wealth Management

It is very hard to accumulate wealth, therefore it is essential to manage it properly. We can help you to maximize the potential of your nest egg to meet your life goals.

At Forum Capital Consults we employ a multi layered approach to Investment Management. Savings and lump sum investments, if invested wisely, can provide the means for funding future life goals including property purchases, education fees for children and other items which can be difficult to fund from day to day income.

Preparation is the key to successful retirement planning – and it is never too early to start. With people living longer, enjoying increasingly sophisticated lifestyles and in turn having the need for a satisfactory level of income after they retire, the advice surrounding the decisions of how, when and why to invest in a pension are crucial.

In truth nobody really wants to think about getting sick or dying, but life is full of unexpected events and protecting your family with life assurance is one of the most important financial decisions you can make.

Protecting your business goes beyond insuring the premises, contents and any liability insurance. There is a risk to a business in the event of a death or serious illness of a Co-Director, Keyperson or Partner. It is possible to manage the financial risk of the premature death or serious illness of a key employee by putting in place a life insurance plan.

Estate or Inheritance planning refers to the process of passing on your estate or inheritance in the most tax efficient manner possible. At Forum Capital Consults we can help you achieve this by planning well in advance and ensuring that you avail of all available reliefs and exemptions. Proper planning allows you to protect your loved ones against the risk of suffering the burden of a large inheritance tax liability that they may not have the means to pay.